
Monday, May 30, 2011

You've gotta start somewhere right?!

Okay so I would TOTALLY be lying if I said I haven't been avoiding this dreaded FIRST blog post for...oh I don' know....somewhere along the lines of a week month! I don't know why but I am so intimidated by the thought of starting something. Why? Who knows. I have always been this way. Throw in  a baby and house to take care of and my OCD kicks in way too much. I obsess over everything. I would be lying if I said I wasn't anxious 99% of the time but I make it work ;). 

SO I am assuming a little introductory post is in order, eh? Well, here goes nothing. Why do I want to start this blog? When my husband Derek and I found out that we were expecting back at the end of 2010...we thought it would be a good idea to make a blog for all of our extended families to follow! And it was a good idea but I was too sick and lazy to follow through. (HA!) Fast forward through the birth of my amazing baby boy, a couple of moves, and BAM here we are :) 

I have since discovered this AMAZING blogosphere of moms that talk about their daily happenings and hardships. This is not including all of the wonderful women in general that I have learned about through hours of hopping from blog to blog. I have absolutely fallen in love with reading what they have to say and have taken comfort in their shared words and advice. Since discovering all of the blogging mamas in February I have wanted to start up my own blog, one without my last name in the title for privacy reasons. I look forward to (hopefully) meeting other blogging moms and learning the ropes around here! 

So, I plan on maybbbbe writing more tonight but I wanted this to serve as an "Introductory Post" . So, there ya go! HAHA. 

If you happen to stumble upon my blog, PLEASE say hi and give me any advice you might have on what you have learned since starting your blog. You can email me at sometimescrazyalwaysbeautiful(@)gmail(dot)com or leave me some comment love!!! Thanks guys :) 

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